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Stay Tuned for Drive Electric Week - 2022

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Electric vehicles take on Mt. Washington!

DC Fast Charging with Electrify America & Tesla in Seabrook, NH

Level 2 Charging at Emery Farm

Image by chuttersnap

Real-world Reasons to Drive Electric: A Q&A with EV Owners


There’s a lot of buzz around Electric Vehicles (EV).  Automakers are announcing exciting new models, including electric SUVs and pickup trucks, and significant investments are taking place that will help enable EV travel across NH and throughout the region.  There are many reasons to drive electric – join us to hear from your friends and neighbors why driving an EV is not just fun, but also practical.  


EV owners will dig into their experiences with purchasing, “fueling” (charging), and driving their EVs.  


This webinar is geared for the general public, and everyone is welcome to attend.  Come with your questions and interest!

Wednesday 9/30

Tools for Developing Shovel-Ready Electric Vehicle Charging Station Projects


 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations have the potential to generate new economic benefits and engagement opportunities with consumers, visitors and the workforce. Join us for a webinar geared for New Hampshire businesses, destinations, towns and cities.


If you are interested in becoming an EV charging station site host, you are likely wondering how to go about it. This webinar will feature a start to finish play-by-play for developing an EV charging station project from Barry Woods, Director of EV Innovation with Revision Energy.


Additionally, learn about incentives, programs and investments that will help to support EV charging station installations from Josh Singer, Program Coordinator with Clean Energy NH and Jessica Wilcox, Granite State Clean Cities Coordinator and Transportation Program Specialist with the NH Department of Environmental Services. Take away tools that you can use to evaluate your site and develop your own shovel-ready project!

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